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Intoduction to Oracle Rest Data Services


First, let’s talk about REST apis. REST apis are very popular nowdays because they are easily accessible from any client able to make http(s) requests. The beauty of this is that you can access different systems through these rest apis independantly of how the system is built in the backend. For example I can access with a simple curl command the twitter, youtube or any public api which will return me data.

Rest APIs usually present data as a JSON object. If your are not already familiar with JSON here is an example of a JSON object:

{"menu": {
  "id": "file",
  "value": "File",
  "popup": {
    "menuitem": [
      {"value": "New", "onclick": "CreateNewDoc()"},
      {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDoc()"},
      {"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDoc()"}

Oracle introduced the support of JSON as a datatype and methods to query JSON objects. This make things a lot easier when you have to work with these data structures.

Continue reading Intoduction to Oracle Rest Data Services

Creating an ACFS filesystem


About ACFS filesystem

ACFS mean  Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System. This filesystem volume resides inside the ASM database and can be used to store database files but also any type of files with or without direct relation to the database.

Oracle ACFS does not support Oracle Grid Infrastructure or Oracle Cluster Registry voting files.

The ACFS filesystem can be extended dynamically without any service interruption, you just need to add space to the diskgroup hosting the ACFS volume and then extend the filesystem. Continue reading Creating an ACFS filesystem

OCP 12C – Oracle Data Redaction

What is Oracle Data Redaction ?

  • Oracle Data Redaction is meant to mask (redact) sensitive data returned from application queries.
  • Oracle Data Redaction doesn’t make change to data on disk, the sensitive data is redacted on the fly before it is returned to the application.
  • You can redact column data by using one of the following methods:
    • Full redaction. You redact all of the contents of the column data.
    • Partial redaction. You redact a portion of the column data.
    • Regular expressions. You can use regular expressions to look for patterns of data to redact.
    • Random redaction. The redacted data presented to the querying application user appears as randomly generated values each time it is displayed, depending on the data type of the column.
    • No redaction. The None redaction type option enables you to test the internal operation of your redaction policies, with no effect on the results of queries against tables with policies defined on them.

Data Redaction Continue reading OCP 12C – Oracle Data Redaction