List of Oracle instances running on the server:
ps -ef | grep smon | grep -v grep
List the listeners running on the server:
ps -ef | grep lsn | grep -v grep
get free memory:
on linux:
on solaris :
on all unix platform :
pagesize=`pagesize` kb_pagesize=`echo "scale=2; $pagesize/1024" | bc -l` sar_freemem=`sar -r 1 1 | tail -1 | awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {print $2}'` gb_freemem=`echo "scale=2; $kb_pagesize*$sar_freemem/1024/1024" | bc -l` echo "Free Mem: $gb_freemem GB"
List files larger than 50M in a directory:
find . -type f -size +50000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }'
List top 10 larger files in a directory:
du -sk * | sort -nr | head -10
List directory structure ordered by size (perl needed):
du -k | sort -n | perl -ne 'if ( /^(\d+)\s+(.*$)/){$l=log($1+.1);$m=int($l/log(1024)); printf ("%6.1f\t%s\t%25s %s\n",($1/(2**(10*$m))),(("K","M","G","T","P")[$m]),"*"x (1.5*$l),$2);}'
Delete files older than 30 days:
find . -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;
Get directory or file size:
du -hs <file_or_directory>
List mount points:
df -k
Find files containing searched string:
find . -print | xargs grep mystring
Compare the content of two files:
this will compare the two files and return lines that are in file2 but not in file1.
grep -vf file1 file2
you can also use :
diff file1 file2
This will list all lines with differences.
Keep jobs active when disconnecting:
The screen command allow you to detach you terminal like a process, disconnect from server and then restore you terminal like you left it when you disconnected.
Once logged on server type command:
cyrille@server1$ screen
Do your actions, maybe run a long sqlplus script and then press Ctrl-A
followed by Ctrl-d
This will detach your terminal, from there you can leave the server, you terminal persist.
When you comeback to the server, just type:
cyrille@server1$ screen -r
This will restore your terminal like you left it.
Hi Cyrille, you can also display the free memory with the column “free memory” of vmstat 😉
Thank you Vincent, does it work for all systems ?
You’r welcome Cyrille. vmstat free memory column validated on Solaris and Linux. On Linux you can also find the free memory with “top”. Have a nice day!
Thank you Vincent, I updated the section.
Thank you sir